If there is vast knowledge about the eyes in the Modern Medicine, there is also available an equally vast insight about this vital sense organ in our Traditional Systems of Medicine.

There is qualitative difference between the two, whereas in the Modern Medicine this vast analytical knowledge about the eyes is mainly focused on the eyes only. All treatment technique invented so far revolve around the eyes. As for myopia the prescribing of fine lenses or recent laser techniques are only symptomatic treatment of disease without addressing the root cause, which in such patients is elongation of eye ball. Due to this elongation image is formed in front of retina and so corrected by the lenses or changing curvature of Cornea by the laser. So far there is no thrust on developing a drug which can reverse or check this increase in size of eye ball. There is available a detailed account in Acupuncture about the causes of this elongation and how to check this.

In spite of this vast analytical knowledge which has definitely helped in preserving the Vision of millions the contribution of Modern Medicine can not be undermined by any way. But this application of too much analytical mind have lost the many simple but Wonderful qualities of this sense organ. As how our eyes truly reflect emotions emerging at the core of the heart in a fraction of second and no one can hide these emotions appearing in the eyes! These unattended simple but great things could have paved a way for new horizons in the ophthalmology.

Traditional medicine conceive eye as not only a distinct structural and functional unit .but also health of eyes depends upon health, energy and essence of peripheral organs. This traditional parameter affects the vision of an individual directly. I firmly believe that this knowledge about the eyes developed due to an insight of our traditional monks who discovered this entire phenomenon in a yogic state of mind.

When I say assimilation or integration of Modern Medicine with the Traditional Medicine I mean that this integration of analytical knowledge with inherited knowledge from our ancient practitioners. I would like to submit here an example how the modern technique in medicine actually verifying this insight in providing ways of assimilation.

There is an Acupuncture point UB-67(Zhiyin), situated at the outer corner of the nail of 5th toe of feet. Imagine the level of technique in medicine 5000 years back when our ancient practitioners of acupuncture described the physiology of this point as eye brightening point. Until now in spite of clinical experiences Modern Medicine did not recognized any importance to this point.

But recently there was an experiment with the fMRI (functional MRI) which categorically showed that stimulation of this point results in increased activity in the visual area of cerebral cortex in the brain where we recognize what eyes see.

What I want to emphasize is that Modern Medicine or evidenced base medicine as they are proud to be so called , should learn that it is deficiency of technique that many useful clinical findings of traditional medicine are not verified and so do not find a use for patients but this does not mean that all such old sayings are mere practice of quackery.

In this regard I would like to remind example of importance of breast milk to infants. This is although advocated in our Ayurveda only recently Modern Medicine recognized its importance. If force of gravity was discovered by the Newton in the year 1665 it does not mean that before that period gravitational force was not in existence.

Before coming to Retinitis Pigmentosa and other incurable blindness and how all these became curable by application of technique developed at Acupuncture India Centre, let us examine elementary knowledge about the eyes. Structure and functions of the eyes can be compared with the camera. Retina of eyes is equivalent to the reel of camera. Till now there is no treatment available for the degeneration of retina in the Modern Medicine. Eye donation as popularly known is only Cornea donation only.

Now coming to the Retinitis Pigmentosa, this is group of genetic eye conditions affecting the photoreceptor cells and may eventually lead to blindness. A wise query arises is it possible to eliminate the gene from an individual with the help of Acupuncture or other traditional medicines.

The honest answer is no and equally honest answer is Retinitis Pigmentosa is treatable Then how is it possible to treat such patients with effective results where as Modern Medicine says that they can not help even in preserving the remaining vision.

This is the beauty of Traditional Medicine it can explain this phenomenon. Although many individuals are borne with this genetic material (50 known genes so far) only few of them actually suffer from the disease. Because it is not the genes which directly damage the retina, but there are always other constitutional deficiencies and excesses in such patients due to this imbalance the genetic material becomes potential to harm the vision. and if we can correct this aberration in the constitution of patient we can at least check the further progression of disease.

Next part of treatments is regeneration of lost Retina and Optic nerve for this there is separate treatment protocol developed here over the years. Each patient is examined Individually and treatment strategy is planned accordingly. patient feels improvement usually during the first sitting itself .Patient is advised some self help at completion of course and usually vision remains unaffected provided the treatment precautions are observed.

So far we are able to cure blind persons with having as little vision just to recognize hand movements close to face with this technique and hope many more will be benefited to see this beautiful world again.

Following steps are followed at the time of treatment-
  1. Diagnosis according to Modern Medicine is established before patient attends this centre.

  2. Traditional diagnosis is made according to Traditional Chinese and Indian Medicine, by carefully examining and questioning the patient.

  3. This all knowledge is assimilated to form a treatment plan for the patient. By this time it becomes evident how patient will respond.

  4. Patient visual status is examined just before starting the treatment.

  5. Treatment is started and after the completion of treatment patient visual status is again examined.

  6. Usually patient responds very well and a complete course is administered, but if patient does not respond to the treatment no further treatment is administered.

  7. Patient is advised some self help which is individually tailored at the completion of treatment and thus improvement is preserved.

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